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French Physicist Serge Haroche speaks to young Indian scientists
French physicist 'stunned' at Nobel win
Prof. Serge Haroche,2012 French Nobel Laureate Talk at IQTI on History of the science of light.
Serge Haroche- Physics Nobel laureate talking on the triumph of science over non scientific beliefs
Distinguished Institute Lecture by Prof. Serge Haroche, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2012
serge haroche - claryfying doubts in quantum physics the French physist and 2012 Nobel laureate
Prof. Serge Haroche, Nobel Laureate
CEFIPRA Lecture at IIT Delhi by Prof Serge Haroche (Nobel Laureate in Physics).
Physicists win Nobel for quantum discovery
Serge Haroche, Nobel de physique : "Très surpris et très heureux"
Institute Lecture by Prof. Serge Haroche
Science Lecture by Professor Serge Haroche